TheNiceOne, meet volunteers!

Sign up in 3 seconds! No Facebook required!• Help The WorldDo you want to discover new ways to help?Get in contact with associations and nice people?Join our community!We are people who want to change

TheNiceOne, meet volunteers!

Sign up in 3 seconds! No Facebook required!• Help The WorldDo you want to discover new ways to help?Get in contact with associations and nice people?Join our community!We are people who want to change the world, one small step at a time.What could you do? The choice is yours.Help refugees, give soup to homeless people, pet abandoned dogs, the possibilities are endless, you can also suggest your own way to help!You don't have to do something big, it can also just be "Talk a walk and smile to every stranger"!Every small step counts!• Meet PeopleHaving drinks with superficial strangers is not your favorite way of meeting new people?On our App you will find passionate and dedicated humans.With TheNiceOne you will meet great people, and you'll get to know each other while helping others.You know this feeling you got when you do something good for a stranger?Now imagine sharing this feeling at the same time with someone you like! Don't worry if you don't know what to do, the community is always suggesting you more events. Furthermore, the app lets you see what are the events planned on (we are not affiliated with this website).Let's get started! It's time to give the world something back, and do something for charity!Are you an Organisation? Do you want to find volunteers? Signup as an Organisation and automatically find people interested by your cause in your area!