
Ron Lee

ESL Fast Read

This free English-learning app helps beginners and intermediate learners practice reading and listening

ESL Fast Read

This free English-learning app helps beginners and intermediate learners practice reading and listening. The audio is clear, and the exercises include vocabulary, comprehension, cloze tests, scrambled sentences, and dictation.The app has two parts. The first part is for beginners, which is divided into 6 levels. The level 1 starts with 50-word passages, the simple present tense, and short, easy to understand sentences. They move gradually to Level 6 with 250 words in each passage. There are about 100 passages in each level. With various exercises and clear audio, they are good materials for in-class intensive reading or after-class extensive reading.The second part is for intermediate learners, which has 365 short essays (300 words). They are about American life and its culture. With the audio available, you can improve not only reading, but also listening. The dictation exercises are effective in helping you with writing and spelling. If you plan to finish studying English within a year, you can read one essay per day, and finish them in a year. Learning English should be enjoyable. All the articles are interesting to read. I'm sure you'll enjoy reading the articles and improve your English quickly.