SOLO TEST - Gülme Efektli (6MB)


Peg Solitaire, also known as Solo Noble, is a board game for one player involving movement of pegs on board with holes.Game is simply known as Solitaire in the United Kingdom and also referred to as Brainvita especially in India. Sometimes, it is also called Marble Solitaire.When game starts, board is entirely filled with pegs except for the central hole. Objective is, making valid moves, to empty the entire board except for a solitary peg. When you reach this state, you solved the Peg Solitaire ! A valid move is to jump a peg orthogonally over an adjacent peg into a hole two positions away and then to remove the jumped peg. If no moves are possible and several pegs are still on the board, game is over ! You must restart a new game.Challenge your brain with Peg Solitaire and try to solve all style games.

Mhasoba Mandir, Kolhāpur, India
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