Maze / The Labyrinth


" Maze / The Labyrinth " is a 3d & 2D Maze game that is suitable for everyone. The game features beautiful graphics, a lot of challenge and many characters to choose from.*** Multiplayer****Race to the maze exit and avoid the monster robots.You can now play online with your family, friends or other players around the world in 2D mazes. ****** 3D mazes contains beautiful environments and unique structures.*To keep the challenge alive, 2D mode generates new mazes every time you play (i.e. unlimited mazes & unlimited fun). Every time you play, you will have unique mazes that has not been created before. You will enjoy a new challenge every time you play.How to play:* Easy controls: walk, right, and left buttons to navigate the maze* To jump tap in the middle of the screen* If you get stuck, use the hint button (left top corner of the screen). The jump function also helps (tap in the middle of the screen to jump)- Google Play Leaderboards was added to share your score and compete with others----------------------------Like us on: us on Twitter

2090 Neepawa Avenue, Ottawa, ON, Canada
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