Bike Wash


Riding a bike can be great fun for everyone to enjoy. With this bike cleaning game you can easily get your new bike prepared and fixed ready for your big day out at the park. You get to choose your very own bike to wash, rinse, and dry to make it all nice and clean when out and about. Repair the front tire and add a patch to the hole before pumping it up! Once done why not customize your bike to your personal favourite colours! By adding your very own custom basket to finish the look you can easily create the perfect bike that belongs to you.Features:- CHOOSE your design of bike- WASH, rinse, and dry your bike until it is squeaky clean- REPAIR the front flat tire and pump it up- REMOVE the trike wheel and replace it with a new original one- PAINT your bike your favourite colours- ADD your new custom basket ready for riding at the park

6 Impasse Des Landes, Tarnos, France
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