Star Singer Girl: Beauty Trip


Do you ever dream of being a famous singer? How about being a celebrity fashion designer and stylist? Live out your dreams in this amazing adventure for girls, A Singer's Journey. Each day a new challenge stands in the way of your dreams. If you want to be a singer, you have to overcome them! Put on some makeup, get your best dress and get ready for an exciting adventure to stardom!Annie is a simple girl who dreams of being a singer one day. After lots of hard work and training, she's finally ready to complete the challenge. Her adventure is just beginning, though, and she needs your help as a designer and stylist to look her best. Do Annie's makeup and choose a new dress for her to wear, as well. She's about to embark on a big challenge, and she needs your help as an expert stylist and designer. Don't let her down!TWO FUN MINI GAMES INCLUED!Pop the music notes! Try to tap as many notes as you can and gain more points! Beat your friends and family!Piano Tiles: Tap on the black tiles! Test your speed and accuracy!Features:- Help Annie fulfill her dream of becoming a famous girl singer.- Start your own adventure as a stylist and designer.- Do Annie's makeup and find her a new dress.- 10 challenging adventure levels to complete!How to Play:- Bring Annie into your salon and get her ready.- Pick out the best makeup colors and styles.- Choose a fantastic dress for Annie to wear.- Send this girl off on her adventure in style!We want to hear your voice!Like us on Facebook: us on Twitter: more about Salon™ on official website:

218 Adams Street, Boston, MA, USA
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