Camera Remote for Garmin Connect IQ Watches


The app for Garmin smart watches, which allows you to control the phone camera - take photo or video directly from your smart watch.How to use:1. Install this Android app on the phone;2: If you use special modes of the phone such as STAMINA on Sony phones, or Auto-Start Manager on ASUS, or similar modes to optimize battery life on other phones, please add this application in exceptions;3. Find on Garmin Connect IQ Store "Camera Remote" app and install it on your smart watch;4. Restart your watch (Turn the watch off and on).5. Run the app on the phone, making sure that at this moment the smart watch is connected to your phone. Then press the "Select the device" and select your smart watch;6. The app is ready to use.Note: Don't turn on other camera apps when use this app. Otherwise this app would not work.

EHvenkijskij, Russia
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