Just Facts


The Fact App from Just Facts is a quick and exciting way to expand your knowledge about important issues and to share this knowledge with others. It is a powerful tool to improve lives by equipping people with information to make truly informed decisions.HOW IT WORKSEach weekday, the Fact App asks you a question about a major issue facing society and then presents several possible answers. After you select one, it will show the correct answer and a link to the supporting documentation.The app then makes it easy to share this knowledge by testing your friends and colleagues through email, Facebook, or Twitter. It will also allow you to add your own thoughts and comments.ADDITIONAL FEATURESThe Fact App will tell you what portion of people selected the correct answer for each question. It will also tell you what portion of the questions you answered correctly.You can scroll through all previous questions at your convenience.You can also easily embed the app on your website or blog by visiting here: http://www.justfactsdaily.com/embedINFORMATION YOU CAN TRUSTThe Fact App is a service of Just Facts, a non-profit institute dedicated to researching and publishing verifiable facts about public policy issues.Research from Just Facts has been widely cited by hundreds of sources across a wide ideological spectrum, including major media outlets, universities, think tanks, prominent commentators, scholarly journals, and government entities at local, state and national levels.THE VALUE OF FACTS“Facts are to the mind what food is to the body.”- Edmund Burke“I have great faith in the power and influence of facts.”- Booker T. Washington“Facts that are not frankly faced have a habit of stabbing us in the back.” – Sir Harold Bowden“The brightest flashes in the world of thought are incomplete until they have been proved to have their counterparts in the world of fact.”– John Tyndall

REX Architecture PC, Chatham Township, NJ, USA
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