Crush Tomato


[Kinetic visual acuity training app] Crush Tomato is a casual game where you keep crashing tomatoes within the time limit. Other than tomato, fruits will also appear but if you crush them, the game is over right away. There are a total of 7 stages. You can't choose a stage, and if you fail, you are brought back to the initial screen. Can you complete all 7 stages?Stage 1A simple stage with only tomatoes appearing.Stage 2Not only tomato, but strawberries will appear!Stage 3In addition to the stage above, nectarine will also appear.Stage 4 - 7In addition to the stage above, mango will also appear.Features- The game progress will be shown on the initial screen- Start button (START)- Show time limit- Volume adjustment (Volume Control)- End button- Shows ads- Star 5 button

神奈川県道路公社由比ガ浜駐車場, Kamakura, Japan
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