Rachas de Tunados Brasil


Have you always looked for a free game where you could bet on the streets of Brazil using the best known cars? because you just found it! Brasil Tuned Cars Street Race, the only Brazilian drag race! free racing game.Game Content:★ More than 7 Brazilian cars!★ Realistic physics with tire singing and turbo boosting!★ Rear-wheel-drive cars soar at the start!★ Customizing various parts of the car! bumpers, spoilers, neons etc...★ Fully customizable painting! Paint as you wish!★ More than 20 different stickers!★ Customizations and paintings are free! You just have to conquer the car!★ Scenarios in Brazil - Still in production.Brasil Tuned Cars Street Race is a game made by a Brazilian for Brazilians and anyone who is looking for a fun drag racing game.Join the group on facebook to leave feedback and share photos of your cars with other players: facebook.com/groups/rachasdetunadosbrasil

Tisted Skolevej 1, Denmark
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