Happy Atoms


Happy Atoms is the physical and digital teaching tool that lets you discover the world of molecules in an intuitive, hands-on way! This interactive learning tool combines a digital app with a physical modeling set that lets students from 4th grade through college approach chemistry from a different angle.Happy Atoms requires the use of the Happy Atoms modeling set for full play! The sets are available at www.happyatoms.com and at many educational retailers!Chemistry is an incredibly important subject that many students never fully grasp. Knowledge of chemistry is necessary to solve many real-world problems, but the way chemistry is taught now often fails to capture students’ imaginations, discouraging experimentation and discovery.Happy Atoms aims to change that by offering a chemistry learning experience that sets itself apart.* See the difference between elements* Feel the forces that bond them together* Experiment with ways to combine them* Discover the relationships between molecular structure and propertiesTo report issues and support please email: support@happyatoms.comFunded by the Institute of Education SciencesU.S. Department of Education (ED-IES-15-C-0025)"

Altamira, Brazil
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