Guest List for check-in at Events


This is an ultimate Guest List App for smart event professionals, PR agencies, and exhibitors. Avoid the hassle of the paper-based guest list, do check-in on your smartphone or tablet! Works great with large RSVP lists 2000+!The app requires no back-end server, Guest list management can be done in Excel or Google Sheets by exporting it to CSV and loading to Google Drive. Guest List works offline, no internet connection is required during the event. However, Internet connectivity is needed for you to log in and setup the App, add events, guests etc.HOW TO IMPORT GUESTS TO THE APP✓ Create CSV file with 3 header columns: First Name, Last Name, Email Address✓ Add First Name, Last Name, Email Address for each guest/visitor✓ Upload CSV guest list file to your Google Drive✓ Start the App, create your Event, press "Import from CSV" button✓ Locate the file in Google Drive and press "Select"✓ You will now see all your guests/visitors in the AppWe also support MailChimp, Mailster and Microsoft Excel CSV formats. HOW TO SYNCHRONIZE OFFLINE GUESTS✓ In case your are using multiple devices and want to synchronize guest list between them simply drag it in App!✓ Your events and guests will be synced after that✓ You will need Internet connection to keep your devices synchronizedMAIN APP FEATURES✓ No need for paper guest list anymore! Easy guest check-in✓ Load guests from Microsoft Excel CSV files, no backend required✓ Support for MailChimp CSV format, it can be imported directly✓ Support Mailster Newsletter plugin for Wordpress✓ Google Drive integration for list import and export✓ You can add guests on the fly✓ Quick check-in using NFC badges, an integrated Badge Reader✓ Support for NFC vCards, MIFARE and NTAG203 ✓ Quick guest search in the App✓ Offline check-inThe App is developed by ClickOn GmbH, for more information please visit our support page you have a question about Guest List App send us an email to, we will reply!Typical events we support:✓ Trade shows✓ Developer conferences✓ Weddings✓ PR promotional events for brands✓ Premieres and galas✓ Private parties

1 Chappelistrasse, Volketswil, Switzerland
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