Twisted Manor


Mort, the greatest villain of them all, has trapped your family in this house of horrors. You will need to be careful inside this sinister place, especially if you are easily freaked out by creepy old houses, giant talking spiders, or disembodied monkey hands... but you must persist! As this terrifying tale unfolds, your journal becomes the key to success. Use it to track your quest and on the way collect the special keywords which will enable you to solve the mysteries of Twisted Manor. Your wits, keen eye, courage, and vocabulary must lead you to your family before it’s too late!Twisted Manor is a hidden object puzzle game set in a bone-chilling haunted house. It builds vocabulary through contextual clues and puzzle solving. As you play frighteningly wonderful graphics and an ominously atmospheric soundtrack.

9 Bronx Rd, Seama, NM, USA
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