SCALE : Slicer vs Ball


Scale is a free addictive arcade game with no ads. Have fun with its unique gameplay containing slicer and balls with various game modes like Triplet(trio) , double , organic and more.Really a brain teaser and a super fun game of 2017.How to play this fun game?Its really easy all you need to do is to cut and shrink the paper board by placing the slicers on right position.Please take this in mind that you need to be very strategic with quick decision making skill to scale the board properly.While scaling look out for the ball and don't let it to touch your blade (line) before cut is complete or you lose a life.Go as far a you can go and get free coins, change your slicers and balls to make it more attractive. Challenge your friends on leaderboard.Have fun and see how far you can go?Sounds Credit:

Gujranwala, Pakistan
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