eTrees of Southern Africa


This interactive version of Braam and Piet van Wyk’s Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa is an essential field guide for those visiting and living in the region with an interest in tree species. It describes over 840 of the more common and accessible tree species found in the Southern African region.NB: Please note that an additional download of 400MB is required once this app has been installed. Please ensure you use a WiFi connection to prevent additional data costs.This guide has species arranged in 43 logical groups based on easy-to-observe leaf and stem characteristics.FEATURES:* Search by English, Afrikaans or Scientific tree names.* Images, distribution maps and text descriptions of over 840 species found throughout the region.* Most species have multiple full colour photographs for easy identification including photos of the full tree.* A 'Group Search' that allows you to easily identify a tree species based on the characteristics of the leaves.* A 'Compare' feature that allows you to compare two species on the same screen* You can select a location in Southern Africa, so that the lists of trees throughout the program display only the trees in that location.* A personal species list that stores your sightings saved to the device that can be exported to your storage card or via email in a CSV format.For more wildlife guides see our other apps: Sasol eBirds of Southern Africa, Wildlife of Southern Africa, British Wildlife Photoguide, eSnakes of Southern Africa.

Punta Gorda, FL, USA
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