NDay - Health and Personal Effectiveness


• Helps to maintain sleep and meals schedule• Personal recommendations on health, lifestyle, and effectiveness • Monitors your mental state• Only proven scientific data and biohacking advice usedNDay helps to increase your productivity, preserve your health and add energy to your life.A dynamic algorithm will help you to optimize and better maintain the regime of your day, allowing internal processes to better align and synchronize with each other.The application provides personal recommendations on nutrition, physical activity, and lifestyle to enhance personal effectiveness with care for health.NDay allows you to monitor your mental state, improve it and avoid depression with the help of biofeedback, which is proved to be effective experimentally.Now it supports the possibility of entering heart rate data for in-depth analysis of health condition and to provide more accurate personal recommendations.For premium users, we provide the possibility to assess the level of dopamine and serotonin, as well as more detailed analysis of heart rate data. We used only proven scientific data, consultations of specialists and biohacking advisors.

20/1 Повітрофлотський проспект, Київ
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