Halifax City Guide, UK


The «Halifax by Phileas Guides» mobile application will be your most reliable companion during your ventures in Halifax, Brighouse and the surrounding areas.It is the most complete and easy-to-use city guide for you that call Halifax home and seek a personal assistant for your everyday activities.The app is available for free and works offline.By downloading the app on your smartphone or tablet, you get a detailed guide featuring all local businesses and services; including restaurants, shops, hotels, coffee places and nightlife.What’s more, you will be able to locate all sights, points of interest, natural landscapes & beaches worth exploring, accompanied with detailed info, tips and indicative pictures.What the app offers:1. Handy Home Screen where the 9 main categories are shown, along with their representative icons. By tapping on each category, you will instantly be transferred to the corresponding menu.2. Interactive area map where all entries are pinpointed. Use the filters to narrow down the results to a particular category on the map, for example museums or restaurants only.3. Direct and instant navigation to the points of interest.4. Detailed description of all attractions, points of interest and premium local businesses in Kifissia. Comprehensive information, photos and contact info, social media info as we well as the brochure of each entry are also presented, when available.5. Listings of all important events, such as parties, festivals and happenings, as well as sales & offers. Furthermore, you will be able to receive Push Notifications within the app, so you can constantly be up to date on what’s taking place.6. All useful contact info (telephone, address) in case of emergency, with just a push of a button.7. “Hearting” option for easy access to your own individualized listings of favourite places in the area.8. Fast location and navigation to the points of interests that you have heard through the grapevine, but were not able to pinpoint their exact location.9. All points of interest that are close to your current location.10. Rating of all businesses11. Ability to make a booking to the hotel of your choice via booking.comFor more info, news and updated tips regarding Halifax Guide visit: www.phileasguides.com.

Eko, Στρόβολος, Cyprus
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