Garage Doors


This app allows you to open and close a garage door with your smartphone via bluetooth.To use this app, you need a garage with a door drive and a "2 Channel Relay Module Bluetooth BLE".This module can be ordered at many online shops. Please use a search engine to find a shop.For more information about the relays module and the app, please visit: www.garage-door-app.comThis app can be connected with any number of modules. This allows you to equip several garage doors with a relay module and open and close them with just one app. By entering an alias, the modules are marked clearly and can easily be assigned to a garage door. Name the modules for example "Garage at home", "Garage at work", "Left garage door", "Right door", "Parents Garage".The app allows you to set the signal duration and the relay number. For a double garage with two doors, both relays can be used. With this setting, a button for first gate and a button for the second gate will appears.The default password for these modules is usually "12345678". For more security, the app also allows you to change the password. The password must be eight digits long.

Sonnenblumenweg 5, Bruch, Germany
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