APHSA Events


The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) is a bipartisan, nonprofit membership organization representing state and local human service agencies through their top-level leadership. APHSA has been working to improve public health and human services for over 80 years by collaborating with state and local agencies, partners and national policymakers to promote effective policies and innovative strategies.APHSA operates as a member-run organization that is supported by the association staff. Members include state agencies, local agencies, other non-profit organizations and individuals. APHSA is strengthened by the depth of expertise and experience found in the nine affiliate organizations that operate under its umbrella. Representing specialized programs and professions, our Affiliates are fundamental building blocks for carrying out the mission of APHSA and helping drive the transformation of human services We also receive technical and financial support from private businesses who work in the health and human services field through our industry partner program.

235 Bay Dale Drive, Anne Arundel County, USA
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