Electoral App


This app is for Bhutanese citizens to check if they are registered voters, to check if they are registered postal ballot voter and to locate their polling booth. Candidates contesting in election can also get notifications pertaining to election through this app.In 2008, the last parliament under the absolute monarchy passed Election Act which formed the Election Commission of Bhutan. The Election Act of 2008 establishes two financially and politically autonomous government commissions to oversee various aspects of elections, voting, and constituency delimitation. The Election Commission is responsible for overseeing the electoral framework established under the Act, including laws on parties, candidates, elections and Election Rolls. The Commission is endowed with quasi-judicial powers and staffs of Election Officers and Counting Officers.The Delimitation Commission is an ancillary commission whose sole function is to demarcate single-member constituencies for representatives in Parliament and Local Governments.This app was developed by G2C Office under the Prime Ministers Office of Bhutan in collaboration with Election Commission of Bhutan, “In pursuit of Improving Public Service Delivery”. Election Commission of BhutanThimphu, BhutanPhone:+975-2-334851/52Email:cec@election-bhutan.org.bt www.election-bhutan.org.bt

San Maru Korean Restarunt, Bhutan
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