Multi Accounts


★ You need a rooted device to be able to use this app ★You have multiple phone numbers? Do you have two accounts on different devices? You have two Whatsapp accounts.Hide your favorite accounts:• Enjoy your accounts without worrying about privacy caught by your friends and colleagues.Features:• Log in to multiple social networks or accounts of games at once• Use multiple accounts in one device.• Quickly switch between accounts.• Keep full account history and the data after the connection.• Easy to use.• Perfect for dual sim phone• Keep a balance between your work and your life easily.• Almost all applications are supported.Support:• Facebook• WhatsApp• Snapchat• Line• KakaoTalk• WeChat• Clash of Clans and so on ..Join us on Google+ Group: us on FB for the latest news:

43 Cl Naranjos Los, Spain
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