Jigsaw Puzzles Epic


Jigsaw Puzzles Epic is a jigsaw game with over 7000 beautiful pictures in a wide variety of categories. You can also create puzzles from your own photos. This premium quality app is the perfect choice for lovers of jig saw puzzles.In Jigsaw Puzzle Epic you can travel all around the globe, see majestic landscapes, experience the seasons of the year and the wonders of the world, all from the peace and quiet of your own home.Features:• Over 7000 beautiful, HD photographs, in more than 170 different packs!• Get a new free puzzle daily!• New puzzle packs added regularly!• 11 difficulty settings: Up to 625 pieces!• Create custom puzzles from your own photo collection.• Every puzzle is unique: Different piece shapes every time!• Saves all puzzles in progress, so you can work on several at the same time.• Complete challenging goals!• 1080p HD Graphics.

Gravdalsveien 16, Lier, Norway
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