JEE-Circle Coordinate geometry


Circles coordinate geometry ebook grade 11,12 high school, engneering students Definition, Standard forms of Equation of a Circle, General equation of a circle, To Find the Centre and Radius of a Circle whose Equation is Given, Intercept Made by the Circle on the Axis, Equation of a Circle on a Given Diameter, Equation of a Circle in Some Special Cases, Parametric Coordinates, Position of a Point with Respect to a Circle, The Least and Greatest Distance of a Point from a Circle, Intersection of a Line and a Circle, The Length of the Intercept cut off from a Line by a Circle, Tangent to a Circle at a Given Point, Equation of the Tangent to the Circle in different Forms, NA mush have series of books for all the JEE aspirants grade 11, 12 students and high school studentsJEE Prep series of books is avilable for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for JEE aspirants. Every book contains detailed theory and solved examples. Good number of problems from previous years IITJEE and AIEEE papers have been explained in detail. The books are written in a manner so that an individual student can understand the concepts and problems. Students are suggested to solve the problems on their own then match the solutions, It will boost their confidence to take this challenging exam. So go and get the books and give a boost to your JEE preparations ! You can also mail your suggestions at or call (91)9099020032 All the Best !

Chhindwara, India
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