The Guitarists' Scales & Modes 2


The Guitarists' Scales & Modes is a breakdown of essential scales and modes for guitarists; providing fretboard illustrations, background and usage information, and famous song and riff examples!An essential tool for any guitarist, and a great introduction to playing modes on the guitar.FEATURES:- 7 Common Scales: Major / Natural Minor / Harmonic Minor / Melodic Minor / Major Pentatonic / Minor Pentatonic / Minor Blues Pentatonic.- 7 Modes: Ionian / Dorian / Phrygian / Lydian / Mixolydian / Aeolian / Locrian.- 5 Other Scales: Chromatic / Lydian b7 / Diminished / Altered / Augmented.- Fretboard positions for both E and A roots (swipe slider).- Scale / Mode info: Note intervals (whole step, half step, etc), notes in the key of C.- Usage information and chord suggestions.- Key examples - famous songs, riffs and solos using each scale / mode.Version 2.0- Redesigned and completely rebuilt from the ground up, featuring a brand new UI.- Additional song, riff and solos added- Expanded library of scales and examples- Improved app performance and general bug fixes

The Ancient Court of Pie Poudre, Bristol, England, United Kingdom
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