Propi - Freelance Proposals that Hook Clients


Propi is your new know-it-all friend. You give it your freelance proposals and it offers live suggestions on how you can improve them to get more clients.Whether you're a freelancer who works on website development, copywriting or design, Propi is the freelance app that helps you proofread and analyze your freelancing proposals.And guess what? It comes packed with cover letters that previously hooked top paying clients on numerous freelance platforms.WRITE AND STORE YOUR BEST PROPOSALSSimply write or copy-paste previous proposals into the app. You can organize them by color or by your favorite ones that brought in the best freelance clients in your business.PRESS ONE BUTTON AND SEE THE MAGIC HAPPENAny freelancer loves a simple,powerful freelance app. That's why Propi is so easy to use. You only need to go to the edit screen, press the bottom right button, select Analyze and you'll get suggestions for improvement.You can see what phrases need to be changed immediately, what tactics might help you get your next job and what you did well.Propi takes multiple factors into account:- How much you focused on the client and how persuasive your proposal is- Which phrases don't help you at all (and how you can replace them)- What persuasive elements you can add into your proposal so that you can find quality work- How friendly your proposal is (and how your freelance business will be perceived)- And more...UNLOCK THE HIDDEN FREELANCER TREASURECreate a proposal that has no errors and you'll get access to premium proposals that attracted top clients who payed thousands.Wanna find work that excites you to jump out of bed? Or maybe you want more opportunities to get a job that brings in consistent income?Propi is the freelance app that can help you do that!PROOFREAD YOUR PROPOSALSSubmitting a cover letter filled with grammatical errors doesn't help you land your next gig. That's why Propi comes packed with a powerful proofreading engine that gives endless suggestions to improve and rewrite your proposal.Let Propi help you succeed as a freelancer!If you have any feedback on the current version, or suggestions for future updates,email us at:propistefan@gmail.comLike us on Facebook:

3 Strada Mihai Viteazu, Bacău, Romania
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