Toric IOL Axis Marker


This app is designed for Ophthalmic Surgeon using Toric IOL. Toric IOL is implanted in patients eye after cataract surgery, in patients who has corneal astigmatism. CA is due to different curvature of cornea. CA is measured in sitting position. Patients are operated for cataract in lying down position. Marking of Axis of Astigmatism on the limbus of cornea is necessary as there is rotation of eye ball (cyclotorsion), when patient changes the position from sitting to lying down position. This marking is usually done using a pen, but this app there is facility of marking a axis without pen. After taking the photograph of the cornea a visible multiple blood vessels are marked and stored. This stored image is referred during the surgery in lying down position. The surgeon get perfect optics.

Gujarat, India
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