Puzzle-uri: animale


Animals jigsaw puzzles from PuzzleTime is a jigsaw game with over 500 beautiful animals puzzle pictures. A real brain game.This app has a large variety of animals photos! Choose your favorite jigsaw puzzle. For example pets, horses, cats and dogs. But also monkeys and other wildlife. They are all available.This jigsaw puzzle app is designed for families. For adults and for your youngest kids. You are able to adjust the difficulty level yourself.How it works;1. Choose the category (animals) of your choice (for example horses)2. Choose the picture you like best3. Choose the difficulty level and start playing!Categories;- Horses- Dogs- Cats- Monkeys- Elephants- Fish- Pigs- Pets- and more.Features:• Over 500 beautiful, high quality animals puzzle photographs.• Difficulty level settings: 6 to 600 pieces! (depending on your screensize)• Difficulty level option; Piece rotation and magnetic grid• Create custom puzzles from your own photo collection.• Collect all jigsaw puzzles of the day!• Designed for all ages; adults and kids.• New puzzle packs are added regularly!• Different jigsaw puzzle pieces for every puzzle.• Magnifying glass for smaller pieces• Tutorial• Option; Choose your own background• Option; Remove all unconnected puzzle pieces from your working area.Go for it!

1 Geert Grootestraat, Deventer, Netherlands
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