Tourlina - Female Travel App


TOURLINA IS SAFE AND RELIABLE.Our team checks each and every new user. Only verified users can chat with others.TOURLINA IS FOR WOMEN ONLY. Our market research shows that women like to travel and prefer a female travel partner as having a male companion often leads to dating.TOURLINA MAKES YOU WANT TO TRAVEL.The Tourlina app is not dating, and you will never travel alone. The Tourlina app can be downloaded free of charge. If you would like to chat to more than one travel partner, you can easily upgrade to unlimited chats by making in-app purchases.How the Tourlina app works:* enter a trip by country and time (currently available: famous countries)* discover matching travel companions with the same interests, country and timing* select a travel companion simply by easily swiping left or right* Connect and chat with women which are nearby (locals and travelers)* chat and plan your trip together once you and your travel companions are a "match"ARE YOU IN?Service conditions for "unlimited chats":- Your payment is effected as soon as the purchase is confirmed via your Google Play Store account- You cannot cancel the "unlimited chat" membership within the paid-for period- Any free "unlimited chat" memberships we award automatically expire at the end of the period set by us. There is no entitlement to an extension of the free "unlimited chat" membership- Your personal data will be processed in accordance with our General Business Conditions and data protection guidelines; these can be found inside the app or on our website

Voltastraße 70-72, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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