Hunt Cow Jungle


Jungle Cow hunter is here. Jungle Cow Hunt is a best sniper shooting game in which you can hunt cows. Take your sniper rifle, set your scope and hunt the cows. You hunt in deep jungles surrounded by trees and grass. As this game is a cow hunting game, you are allowed to hunt cow only. Hunting the innocent animals and making them your best prey. Aim and hit the Cow, sounds easy right but it is not. You will have the different experience with cow animal to shoot. Jungle Cow Hunt is very challenging and exciting game. You must complete each level in the definite quantity of moves, designed with hunters in mind. Play, Aim or Fire from big and clear buttons. you need best shooting and hunting games qualities and skills. You are having limited time to hunt the cows and complete the game. It is so much fun that I bet you want to play again and again. A person with passion of hunting arrived in the jungle but only cows are there. You hunts the cow for zeal and passion. Hunting with sniper "M24" is modern style of hunting and cows hunting yummy its a new concept for hunters because its simply available every where but no concept of hunt them.A game for those who have hunting passion.HOW TO PLAYyou have entered in the dangerous jungle with the sniper gun. The cows is moving in the jungle. Find, zoom and fire the target.FEATURES- HD and stunning graphics- Game Full of Zeal.- Best sniper 3d controls.- Good Game to Play in free Time.- 3D Cow Hunting in Jungle EnvironmentGAME PLAY- Fire Button for Hunting Cows.- Zoom Button for looking cows more closer.

Institute of Railways, Griffin Ground, Mughalpura Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan
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