Victorian Britain


Specially designed for kids, with voice-overs, fun facts and interactive features to help children build essential knowledge of history at home and in school. Find out about Daily Life in Victorian Britain, follow the timeline and learn about the British Empire as well as the Industrial revolution.featuring:- Who were the Victorians?- Queen Victoria- An age of innovation - The Industrial revolution- The British Empire- Victorian Inventions and discoveries- The Railways- Victorian clothes and Fashion- Child labour- Health and medicine- Life in a Victorian city- Victorian explorers- British Empire map- Did you know? Fun facts about the Victorians- GlossaryWe take your privacy very seriously. This application:- Does not collect information- Does not contain advertising- Does not contain in-app purchases- Does not use analytics / data collecting tools- Does not link to social networksMore Fun History Apps at

Micron Trading Ltd, United Kingdom
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