GPS Coordinates Finder Pro


GPS Coordinates Finder PRO is an application that finds your position and shows your coordinates on the map as latitude - longitude values in decimal, DM or DMS formats. You can use this information to share your gps coordinates by using the share function.Besides your current coordinates, you can also get coordinates of any other position on the map by moving the coordinates pointer or clicking another point on the map. You can also use the search feature to find a place and get its gps coordinates.Features include:- Get your current gps coordinates using gps sensor, cellular and wireless network (cellular data, wifi, gps sensor)- Easily share your location using gps coordinates sharing feature (social platforms, email, sms etc.)- Search any location on the world using the search bar and get its gps coordinates.- Change pointer location by dragging and clicking to set a new point of which you want to get coordinates information.- Offline usage available

Sheraton Grand Ataşehir İstanbul, Bostancı, Turkey
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