UI Dining


UI Dining (University of Illinois Dining) is brought to you by Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS) and University Housing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. UI Dining is the must-have app for anyone who dines at University Housing’s award-winning facilities!Find out hours of service and what's on the menu up to two weeks in advance, at any of our full-service dining halls: Busey-Evans, Florida Avenue (FAR), Ikenberry Commons, Illinois Street (ISR), Lincoln/Allen (LAR), and Pennsylvania Avenue (PAR). You also can check your meal plan balance and see complete nutritional information right in the app!See what's being served at our specialty restaurants: Cracked Egg Café, Better Burger, Taste of Asia, La Cocina Mexicana, Field of Greens, Leafy!, Soul Ingredient, Neo-Soul Ingredient, and Oodles. Using UI Dining you can also see the schedule and available items at our A La Carte locations: Busey Beanery, The Caffeinator, 57 North, CHOMPS, and Penn Station.Use the map to quickly find the dining hall closest to you, so no matter where you are on campus, you can grab a bite on the go.To find out what is on the menu at your residence hall, or at any other dining hall, UI Dining is the app for you!

1109 Mayfair Rd, Champaign, IL, USA
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