- The Slither Worm with Masks


Best Angry Worm Slither – Clash Snake Game IO!! Eat all the other venom snakes and angry earthworms 🐍 to grow as big as possible. Now you can have heroes, flags, emojis mask or different skin on your venom snake. Use your favorite heroes mask or different skin colors on your worm. Use the mask of a dog, cat, Mexican hat, pork, or even fantastic creatures and strong heroes. Clash Snake Game IO with masks – Rush Online To play you need to eat the rest of worms and snakes 🐍 to grow. Make them to rush into you and they will explode. Eat the color balls and grow the longest snakes you are be able to be. Rush to eat other snakes or angry earthworms online to show who is the king. More than 50 Funny masks, skins and mobs for your worm and snakes!! Slithering edition online with different venom snakes. Eat all the color balls to grow big enough and attack the others. There is nowhere you can run or hide from your enemies. Slither Worm IO Features • Slither Leaderboard 👍• Smooth Controls• 50+ Hats & Masks of Heroes • Turbo Speed Button• Incredible Music• NO LAGS 🐍• Engaging Gameplay• Social Media Sharing• Revive Your Snake with Extra Life’sBecome the biggest snake rush in all time !!Fun Arcade Game for Google Play ⬇ Download it Now!!! ⬇

439 Carrer de Mallorca, Barcelona, Spain
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